Monday, May 23, 2011

How to Use Mobile Coupons on a Mobile Phone

With mobile coupons becoming easier to use, the need to clip paper coupons from the Sunday paper has been eliminated. Instead, all you need is a smartphone and the new Wowpons mobile coupons app. We'll take care of the rest.

But in addition to Wowpons, here are four other ways to find special offers with your smartphone.

Text clubs: Some retailers and restaurants are inviting customers to join text clubs, where they can receive occasional messages and special offers available only to club members — "Just follow these instructions, and you'll receive a text message. Show it to the retailer to redeem the offer." These clubs are free to join and help customers find the best deals at their favorite restaurants, stores, and bars.

QR Codes: These are the scrambled squares appearing more and more on retail store windows, in magazines, and even on outdoor billboards. Because they are easily scanned with a smartphone, retailers are adapting their mobile coupons to change with the ever-developing technologies. Just scan a QR code posted on doors, menus, or billboards to find out more about the business and to see if there are any mobile coupons available.

Barcodes: If you can read QR codes, you can also read the traditional barcodes. This allows you to find the best deals or read more information about a product. It also allows some stores to send you to their own store's website, where they can offer special coupons to be redeemed later.

Email: Email campaigns are still a part of the mobile coupon trend because retailers treat their consumers’ email addresses like gold — it's a direct line of communication between them and their customers. Retailers can email a coupon with an embedded barcode or QR code directly to you. When you're at the store, just pull up the email on your phone and have the cashier scan the digital coupon.

Location-based Networks: Some geo-location based networks like Foursquare and Yelp offer coupons to users based on where they are at that exact moment. Imagine you're in a new part of town, and you're looking for somewhere to eat. Turn on your mobile phone, check one of these networks, and see what the app recommends via user generated ratings and proximity to your location. You can even find the restaurants that offer mobile coupons. For example, some restaurants offer a 10% discount if you check in and show your phone to their server.

The more consumers use this growing mobile coupon technology, the more retailers will adapt to our ever-changing mobile habits. This allows them to offer us more valuable coupons and special offers, which result in extra savings on items that are of interest to us. The key is making these coupons easily available and accessible in real time.

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