Monday, July 25, 2011

Mobile Coupons App Contributes to Green Shopping

Green shopping is becoming a lot easier for concerned shoppers with WOWPONS. Our mobile coupons app allows consumers to shop and save — paperless!— as well as help preserve the environment.

Instead of clipping regular paper coupons out of the newspaper or the coupons mailer, green shoppers can download the Wowpons to their smartphone and then connect it to their favorite grocery store's loyalty card. It's way to go green digitally. And once you’re done reading the newspaper, you can just recycle it. Green shopping and recycling, all at once.
WOWPONS also makes it easy for you to build your digital shopping list. You can stay organized and stick to your shopping budget by buying only the things you need. Using a list is one of the best ways you can save money.

Here's another tiny paper tip: By using the WOWPONS’ shopping list, you can even eliminate paper grocery shopping lists. Not only do paper lists use paper for such a short time, they're not recycled a lot of the time. While they don't take up much space, think of how much paper you would save in a year's worth of shopping lists.

And have you ever forgotten your shopping list and tried to remember everything on it, only to find you forgot something, all to end up making a return trip to the store (which used more gas), or bought things you didn't need (which spent more money)? If you're trying to reduce waste and your carbon footprint, WOWPONS helps you make a positive impact for green shopping.

WOWPONS' green shopping means less driving from store to store, trying to find the best deals. The majority of our mobile coupons work at major grocery retailers, because they're becoming more mobile coupon friendly. We help people with green shopping by finding deals closest to their home or work. Shoppers put in their address and a desired radius for their coupons, and WOWPONS does the rest.

Once you choose a preferred grocer on WOWPONS, just register the store’s loyalty card to your account, and load the coupons directly to your card. By doing this, you contribute to green shopping by side stepping the coupon clipping.

When you've gathered all your groceries, just give the cashier your loyalty card to download all loaded coupons to the register when your card gets scanned. It will pull out any coupons that match up to items in the transaction and apply the savings.

Finally, when you're finished with an item, recycle the packaging whenever possible. While it's not strictly a green shopping tip, it helps the environment by not putting all the paper and plastic into a landfill.

Recycling coupons may not seem worth it for such a small amount of paper, but with the number of shoppers using paper coupons, it can all add up quickly. For anyone looking for green shopping tips to save both money and the environment, WOWPONS has the answer.

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